
Eight ISIS terrorists killed in Wadi al-Shay in Kirkuk Province

Eight ISIS terrorists killed in Wadi al-Shay in Kirkuk Province

The PMU has  announced that eight ISIS terrorists were killed in Wadi al-Shay in the Iraqi province of Kirkuk. The PMU has  announced that eight ISIS terrorists were killed in Wadi al-Shay in the Iraqi province of Kirkuk. The PMU…
Afghan Shia villages calling for help after subjected to campaign of killing and displacement by terrorists

Afghan Shia villages calling for help after subjected to campaign of killing and displacement by terrorists

The Shia villages of “Pasqal Durra Soof” in Afghanistan are being subjected to killings and displacement by Taliban terrorists, amid a suspicious government silence. The Shia villages of “Pasqal Durra Soof” in Afghanistan are being subjected to killings and displacement…
Yemen requests the support of the United Nations to provide for the needs of countering coronavirus

Yemen requests the support of the United Nations to provide for the needs of countering coronavirus

The Yemeni National Rescue Government in Sanaa called on the United Nations to provide the necessary curative and preventive assistance to counter the coronavirus, and to provide the needs of The Yemeni National Rescue Government in Sanaa called on the…
Muslims, Christians and Jews unite to counter coronavirus in the US city of Detroit

Muslims, Christians and Jews unite to counter coronavirus in the US city of Detroit

Followers of different faiths in the city of Detroit, Michigan, are working together to counter coronavirus. Followers of different faiths in the city of Detroit, Michigan, are working together to counter coronavirus. Cooperation and solidarity among the followers of different…
‘Muslim Doctors and Medical Network’ was established in Germany

‘Muslim Doctors and Medical Network’ was established in Germany

For the first time in Germany, the “Network of Muslim Doctors and Physicians” (MUAMED), consisting of Muslim health professionals, was established. For the first time in Germany, the “Network of Muslim Doctors and Physicians” (MUAMED), consisting of Muslim health professionals,…
Anguish as Sri Lanka forces Muslims to cremate COVID-19 victims

Anguish as Sri Lanka forces Muslims to cremate COVID-19 victims

The forced cremation of two COVID-19 infected Muslims in Sri Lanka has sent shock waves among the minority community, which accused the authorities of violating Islamic burial rites. The forced cremation of two COVID-19 infected Muslims in Sri Lanka has…
India’s Muslims assaulted and kicked out of their homes after being accused of spreading coronavirus

India’s Muslims assaulted and kicked out of their homes after being accused of spreading coronavirus

Indian officials are blaming an Islamic group for spreading the virus, and Muslims have been targeted in a wave of violence.   Indian officials are blaming an Islamic group for spreading the virus, and Muslims have been targeted in a…
Pope calls for solidarity in Easter message amid virus lockdown

Pope calls for solidarity in Easter message amid virus lockdown

Pope Francis has called for solidarity across the world to confront the “epochal challenge” posed by the coronavirus pandemic, in his traditional Easter address on Sunday. Pope Francis has called for solidarity across the world to confront the “epochal challenge”…
25 terrorists killed and 17 wounded in air strikes in northern Afghanistan

25 terrorists killed and 17 wounded in air strikes in northern Afghanistan

The Afghan army said that a series of air strikes killed 25 Taliban terrorist elements and wounded 17 others in the northern Afghan province of Jowzjan, according to the Afghan news agency Khama Press. The Afghan army said that a…
Martyrdom and wounding of four people in IED explosion at soccer field in Diyala

Martyrdom and wounding of four people in IED explosion at soccer field in Diyala

A local official in the Iraqi province of Diyala stated that an explosive device exploded in a soccer field in Qara Tabah district, northeast of the province. A local official in the Iraqi province of Diyala stated that an explosive…
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