Arab World

Egyptian archaeologists discover tombs containing bronze coins and pottery vessels

Egyptian archaeologists discover tombs containing bronze coins and pottery vessels

The Egyptian archaeological mission announced the discovery of 63 mudbrick tombs and a collection of gold leaf artifacts from the 26th Dynasty of the Late Period, in addition to several bronze coins from the Ptolemaic period, at the Tell el-Der…
UNESCO adopts 3 resolutions to preserve Palestinian historical sites

UNESCO adopts 3 resolutions to preserve Palestinian historical sites

The World Heritage Committee of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) adopted three resolutions on Tuesday during its 46th session held in New Delhi, India, to unanimously protect and preserve Palestinian sites listed as World Heritage in…
Saudi authorities execute political prisoner from Qatif based on fabricated charges

Saudi authorities execute political prisoner from Qatif based on fabricated charges

Saudi authorities have announced the execution of the political prisoner “Mohammed Asaad Al-Shakhouri” from the city of Al-Awamiyah in Qatif Province. The execution was carried out on Sunday, June 30, 2024, making Al-Shakhouri the sixth political prisoner from the Qatif…
International, Tunisian organizations underline serious setback in freedoms in Tunisia

International, Tunisian organizations underline serious setback in freedoms in Tunisia

Ten Tunisian organizations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have spoken out about a “severe setback” in freedoms in Tunisia. The organizations said that there has been a significant escalation in restrictions on activists, politicians, journalists, and the use…
Libya hosts international conference on translating Holy Quran meanings

Libya hosts international conference on translating Holy Quran meanings

Under the sponsorship of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), an international conference on translating the meanings of the Holy Quran has been launched in Libya. The conference, organized by the Quran Academy, is taking place in the…
Freemuslim calls on Economic Forum participants to address challenges in Arab, Islamic countries

Freemuslim calls on Economic Forum participants to address challenges in Arab, Islamic countries

The Freemuslim Association—an anti-violence organization based in Washington, D.C.—has called on all the governments participating in the Economic Forum, which is held in Saudi Arabia, to review and discuss the challenges facing the peoples of the region, particularly in freedom…
World Shirazi Foundation releases a message on blessed Eid al-Fitr

World Shirazi Foundation releases a message on blessed Eid al-Fitr

The World Shirazi Foundation has extended its congratulations to the Islamic nation and the world on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, urging leaders of nations and Islamic peoples to adopt a set of important demands aimed at promoting stability and…
Grand Ayatollah Shirazi expresses deep regret over lack of freedom in Islamic countries

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi expresses deep regret over lack of freedom in Islamic countries

The Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, expressed his deep regret for the lack of freedom in Islamic countries governed by rulers and politicians who claim to belong to the authentic Islam. In a statement published on…
Human Rights Documentation: 40% of Saudi Arabia’s political executions target Qatif 

Human Rights Documentation: 40% of Saudi Arabia’s political executions target Qatif 

A human rights documentation revealed that 40% of the executions carried out by the Saudi authorities on political grounds are in the city of Qatif, described as a “mirror of repression” in the kingdom. The European Saudi Organization for Human…
Intl Non-Violence Organization calls for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza during Holy Ramadan

Intl Non-Violence Organization calls for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza during Holy Ramadan

The International Nonviolence Organization (Freemuslim) has called for a humanitarian ceasefire during the holy month of Ramadan and for securing food and medicine for the residents of the Gaza Strip. The organization sent a strong message to leaders and rulers…
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