
The New York Times: French police treat Muslim children as terrorists

The New York Times: French police treat Muslim children as terrorists

The American New York Times reported that the French police raided the homes of 4 Muslim families and treated the children as terrorists, because they expressed their refusal of last month’s offensive cartoons of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him…
Pope Francis describes Uyghur and Rohingya Muslims as “persecuted”

Pope Francis describes Uyghur and Rohingya Muslims as “persecuted”

For the first time, Pope Francis described the Uighur Muslims in China as “persecuted”, something human rights activists have been urging him to do for years.In his book entitled, “Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future,” Francis listed…
Spanish road workers discover ancient Muslim burial site

Spanish road workers discover ancient Muslim burial site

A Spanish road project has uncovered one of the country’s oldest Islamic-era burial sites, including more than 300 tombs, The Times newspaper reported on Thursday.The discovery will provide historians with a treasure trove of new information about the eighth-century Islamic…
Berlin: The Hussaini generosity reaches the needy and the message of tolerance prevails

Berlin: The Hussaini generosity reaches the needy and the message of tolerance prevails

The Berlin Team of “Who is Hussain” Organization launched a campaign to distribute food to many homeless and needy people in the city.The organization spokesperson confirmed that most of the homeless, who are from different classes of society, welcomed and…
France demands Pakistan rectifies Macron Nazi jibe

France demands Pakistan rectifies Macron Nazi jibe

France and Pakistan Clash France’s FM has demanded Pakistan authorities to withdraw comments made by one of its ministersThis comes as part of a clash between the countries over the publication insulting images of the ProphetMazari: Macron is doing to…
Anti-Islam phrases on the walls of a mosque in Germany

Anti-Islam phrases on the walls of a mosque in Germany

IslamophobiaUnknown persons placed posters containing anti-Islam expressions on a street lamp near a mosqueThe posters read: “Germany is for Germans” and “Let the Foreigners Leave”The mosque was built 35 years ago and has not been subjected to any such attack…
France orders the dissolution of the Collective Against Islamophobia Association in France

France orders the dissolution of the Collective Against Islamophobia Association in France

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced that he had informed the security services concerned with the implementation of the dissolution of the Association Against Anti-Islamophobia, known as the Collective Against Islamophobia in France (CCIF).This comes as the French government’s cracks…
The Swedish judiciary annuls the decision to ban the headscarf in schools

The Swedish judiciary annuls the decision to ban the headscarf in schools

A Swedish administrative court has annulled the decision to ban wearing the headscarf imposed in schools by the municipality of Skurup in the state of Ascon, southern Sweden.The Malmö Administrative Court stated, in a statement, that the municipal council’s decision…
Macron on the offensive cartoons: France will not change its right despite the shock abroad

Macron on the offensive cartoons: France will not change its right despite the shock abroad

On Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron expressed his regret at what he described as “relatively timid international support” after the recent attacks in his country, reiterating that France will not “change” its right to freedom of expression.“Five years ago, when…
Senegalese minister abandons the French Legion of Honor and sends message to Macron

Senegalese minister abandons the French Legion of Honor and sends message to Macron

Former Senegalese minister and ambassador, Amadou Tejan Won, announced his abandonment of the French Legion of Honor and placing it at the disposal of the French embassy in Dakar, due to France’s insult to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon…
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