
Anti-Muslim Incidents Surge in Germany, NGO Says

Anti-Muslim Incidents Surge in Germany, NGO Says

Germany’s Muslim community faces a rise in hate crimes, Anadolu Agency cited a recent report by Alliance Against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Hate (CLAIM). The NGO has documented over 1,900 anti-Muslim incidents in 2023, a 114% increase from the previous year.…
Over 60 missing, at least 11 dead due to shipwrecks off Italy’s shores

Over 60 missing, at least 11 dead due to shipwrecks off Italy’s shores

Two migrant shipwrecks off the southern shores of Italy have resulted in the loss of at least 11 lives, with over 60 people still missing, including 26 children, Reuters reported yesterday. The first incident occurred when a sinking wooden boat…
EU Passes Historic Nature Restoration Law After Months of Deadlock

EU Passes Historic Nature Restoration Law After Months of Deadlock

In a close vote, the EU has passed a landmark law to protect and restore nature across its member states, the Guardian reported yesterday. The nature restoration law sets a target to revive at least 20% of the EU’s land…
Over 94 million EU citizens face risk of poverty in 2023

Over 94 million EU citizens face risk of poverty in 2023

According to the latest data from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion in the EU reached 94.6 million in 2023, representing 21% of the EU population, Anadolu…
Canary Islands Route Becomes Deadly Crossroads for Migrants: Over 5,000 Perish in First Half of 2024

Canary Islands Route Becomes Deadly Crossroads for Migrants: Over 5,000 Perish in First Half of 2024

A new report by Spanish NGO Caminando Fronteras (Frontline Defenders) paints a grim picture for migrants attempting the perilous journey from North Africa to the Canary Islands, according to Anadolu Agency. The report, released on Wednesday, reveals that over 5,000…
WHO Report Blames Four Major Industries for 2.7 Million Deaths Annually in Europe

WHO Report Blames Four Major Industries for 2.7 Million Deaths Annually in Europe

A new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) has accused four major industries – tobacco, ultra-processed foods (UPFs), fossil fuels, and alcohol – of obstructing public policies that could save lives, leading to at least 7,000 preventable deaths per…
Germany’s largest pro-immigration organization rejects deportation of Afghan and Syrian refugees

Germany’s largest pro-immigration organization rejects deportation of Afghan and Syrian refugees

Pro Asyl—Germany’s largest pro-immigration advocacy organization—has firmly rejected German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s proposal to deport dangerous criminals among Afghan and Syrian refugees back to their home countries, stating that this measure contradicts international law. In his statements to the German…
Germany to repatriate Afghan migrants following stabbing incident

Germany to repatriate Afghan migrants following stabbing incident

Germany is considering deporting Afghan migrants who pose a security threat back to Afghanistan, the interior minister said on Tuesday, Reuters reported. The decision comes in wake of the attack that occurred last Friday when a 25-year-old Afghan man stabbed…
Germany: Hamburg bans niqab in schools with fines for non-compliance

Germany: Hamburg bans niqab in schools with fines for non-compliance

This law was enacted by the ruling coalition between the Red-Green parties, along with the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Alternative for Germany (AfD) in mid-May. The law aims to prevent female students from wearing the niqab during classes…
Rare Centuries-Old Astrolabe Reveals Muslim-Jew Scientific Collaboration

Rare Centuries-Old Astrolabe Reveals Muslim-Jew Scientific Collaboration

Verona’s museum in Italy now holds a remarkable testament to scientific collaboration across faiths. Researchers at Cambridge University in the UK have identified a rare astrolabe – an instrument once used for navigation, timekeeping, and even astrology, which dates back…
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