Ahlulbayt OccasionsNEWSReligious Authority

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi gives annual speech in presence of Muharram Hosseini missionaries

Like previous years, Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Sadegh Shirazi gave a lecture last night in the gathering of religious missionaries ahead of the month of Muharram.

While extending his condolences to God’s supreme Vicegerent and the exalted Imam, Hujjat bin Al-Hassan, peace be upon him, as well as all believers, he asked God Almighty to hasten the appearance of Imam Mahdi for all mankind and believers to be freed from the many problems they are facing.

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi cited a narration from Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, that in virtue, he holds the fifth position among the Companions of the Cloak, but added that despite this narration, Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, holds the first position in terms of Divine laws of creation and legislation.

Emphasizing the fact that in narrations, Ziyarat, and prayers from the Infallible Imams, many points are mentioned as “Exclusive Husseini Characteristics”, he stated that sometimes even every word represents a noble characteristic.

Adding that these characteristics can be compiled in more than 10 volumes, he prayed that Allah grants Tawfiq to everyone present to be able to collect these Exclusive Husseini characteristics and present them to the public.

In addition to missionaries, he asked other believers, especially young believers, to make the necessary efforts for the cause of gaining knowledge about Imam Hussein, peace be upon him.

He went on to say that our duty is to make efforts as much as our intellect can help to introduce these virtues to everyone, and raise awareness about the sublime position of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him. Grand Ayatollah Shirazi emphasized that negligence towards this cause is not desirable.

He went on to say that shortcoming in the cause of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) is not only limited to negative actions and indifference towards that Imam also earns blame.

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi cited this passage “اللّهُمَّ اخذُل مَن خَذَلَهُ  ” to explain that “خذلان” means indifference. So, Allah will be indifferent to whoever is indifferent to Imam Hussein, and will leave him alone.

He further mentioned that the solution to not being indifferent towards the Master of the Martyrs is making all-out efforts towards his cause, sometimes through financial aid, sometimes by encouraging others and sometimes writing. He added that not using our abilities in the way of Imam Hussain equals indifference.

Later in his speech, Grand Ayatollah Shirazi mentioned the traditions involving a number of divine prophets empathizing with Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, including Adam, Noah, Ibrahim, Ismail, Musa, Suleiman and Jesus.

He pointed out that some of the strange events that those prophets encountered in the land of Karbala, are exclusive to Imam Hussain (peace be upon him), and not shared by other Infallibles.

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