Islam World

Yemeni Health: We lose 100,000 newborns every year due to aggression and blockade

Yemeni Health: We lose 100,000 newborns every year due to aggression and blockade

“The Saudi aggression coalition has been preventing the introduction of advanced medical equipment for 6 years, and we have been unable to bring medical personnel due to the siege and aggression,” said the spokesperson of Yemen’s Ministry of Health, Najeeb…
Eight Afghan people killed, 15 injured in Kabul blast

Eight Afghan people killed, 15 injured in Kabul blast

Eight civilians were killed and 15 others injured as a blast rocked the Police District 5 of Kabul on Sunday, the Afghan Interior Ministry said in a statement.According to the statement, the blast took place in Spin Kuli, a suburban…
Explosion at religious gathering in central Afghanistan kills at least 15 civilians: Afghan official

Explosion at religious gathering in central Afghanistan kills at least 15 civilians: Afghan official

An explosion at a religious gathering in central Afghanistan killed at least 15 civilians and wounded 20 others on Friday, the country’s interior ministry said, adding that children may be among the victims.Those killed and wounded were attending a Qur’an…
Free Muslim calls for Amnesty International to save Bahrain activists from the risk of execution

Free Muslim calls for Amnesty International to save Bahrain activists from the risk of execution

The International Nonviolence Organization, Free Muslim, called on Amnesty International to urgently intervene to save dozens of Bahraini youth activists in the field of rights from the threat of death sentences issued against them.In a statement, the organization said that…
HRW: Migrants Held in Inhuman, Degrading Conditions in Saudi Arabia

HRW: Migrants Held in Inhuman, Degrading Conditions in Saudi Arabia

A deportation center in Riyadh is holding hundreds of mostly Ethiopian migrant workers in conditions so degrading that they amount to ill-treatment, Human Rights Watch said today. Detainees alleged to Human Rights Watch that they are held in extremely overcrowded…
Taliban Kill 13 Afghan Policemen in Checkpoint Attacks

Taliban Kill 13 Afghan Policemen in Checkpoint Attacks

At least 13 Afghan policemen were killed when Taliban militants attacked two checkpoints overnight in the north of the country, officials said Wednesday.The militants stormed and briefly held the checkpoints on the outskirts of Pule Khumri, capital of northern Baghlan…
Royal pardon for 169 prisoners in Bahrain

Royal pardon for 169 prisoners in Bahrain

Bahrain’s King Hamad issued a royal decree, pardoning 169 prisoners, who have served part of their jail terms for various reasons, without including prisoners of conscience and political prisoners.The pardon was announced on the occasion of Bahrain’s National Day commemorating…
UAE President calls for nation-wide rain prayers this Friday

UAE President calls for nation-wide rain prayers this Friday

UAE’s President has instructed the prayers for rain to be performed this Friday, it was announced.The prayers for rain, known in Arabic as Salaat Al Istisqaa, will be carried out at mosques and prayer sites across the nation on December…
Five million Yemenis “one step away from famine” in 2021: UN

Five million Yemenis “one step away from famine” in 2021: UN

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on Sunday warned that 5 million Yemenis “will likely be living just one step away from famine in the upcoming year.”The UN organization said in a brief statement posted on its official Twitter…
Young Egyptian man writes the Holy Quran in calligraphy

Young Egyptian man writes the Holy Quran in calligraphy

An Egyptian young man has a unique skill that he learned from his father when he was little.Hussain can draw the letters of the Noble Quran as if it is a painting.The 20-year-old Mahmoud Hussain was born in Qana province…
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