Islam World

Representative of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi speaks about the demolition of al-Baqi graves in the Friday sermon in Antakya

Representative of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi speaks about the demolition of al-Baqi graves in the Friday sermon in Antakya

The representative of the Supreme Religious Authority, Sheikh Jalal Maash, delivered the Friday sermon at the Imam Hussein Mosque, peace be upon him, in the city of Antakya, Turkey.In the first sermon, Sheikh Maash spoke about the demolition of al-Baqi…
Terrorist Taliban kill 10 explosive ordnance disposal workers in Afghanistan

Terrorist Taliban kill 10 explosive ordnance disposal workers in Afghanistan

The Afghan Interior Ministry and a local official announced today, that the Taliban terrorist movement killed ten explosive ordnance disposal workers in the northern province of Baghlan, in the latest attack in the violence-torn country.Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman Tariq Arian…
Syria: Eight people wounded in explosion in Homs

Syria: Eight people wounded in explosion in Homs

Eight people were wounded, when an explosive device exploded in the Syrian province of Homs.The Syrian al-Ekhbariya channel reported that the number of wounded due to the explosion of an IED in the Karm al-Lawz neighborhood has risen to 8.News…
Pakistan decides to open two consulates in Najaf and Karbala to facilitate the visit of its citizens to the holy shrines

Pakistan decides to open two consulates in Najaf and Karbala to facilitate the visit of its citizens to the holy shrines

Press sources said that the Pakistani government decided to open two new consulates in the holy cities of Najaf and Karbala, as part of its new plan to facilitate the influx of Pakistani visitors to the holy shrines in Iraq.The…
Official in the Ain Jalut terrorist squad arrested west of Nineveh

Official in the Ain Jalut terrorist squad arrested west of Nineveh

The Iraqi Security Media Cell announced the arrest of the so-called administrative official of the Ain Jalut terrorist squad.The cell stated in a statement, “With joint coordination between the Military Intelligence Directorate in the Ministry of Defense, the Intelligence Department…
Yemeni citizen killed and a woman wounded by the Saudi-led coalition fire in Hodeidah

Yemeni citizen killed and a woman wounded by the Saudi-led coalition fire in Hodeidah

A Yemeni citizen was killed by Saudi border guards’ bullets, and a woman was wounded by the aggression forces’ fire in Al-Tuhayta district in Al-Hodeidah.A Yemeni security source stated that the Saudi border guards re-targeted the populous villages with artillery…
Within 24 hours, 26 Afghan forces and 167 Taliban terrorists killed

Within 24 hours, 26 Afghan forces and 167 Taliban terrorists killed

Local officials announced that at least 26 Afghan security forces were killed in a car bombing and multiple armed attacks, while government forces killed 167 Taliban militants in the past 24 hours.The deadliest incident occurred in the northern province of…
Many killed as two trains collide in southern Pakistan

Many killed as two trains collide in southern Pakistan

At least 33 people have been killed and more than 120 injured after a train collision near the southern Pakistani town of Dharki, officials say, with rescue work still under way to find survivors trapped in the debris.The collision took…
Iraq: Discovery of a “very large” mass grave in Diyala

Iraq: Discovery of a “very large” mass grave in Diyala

The Department of Mass Graves in the Martyrs Foundation revealed the discovery of a new mass grave in Diyala province.A statement by the Foundation, which was received by Shia Waves, said, “New information provided by one of the martyrs’ families…
Syria: Four explosions in the city of Jarablus in the countryside of Aleppo

Syria: Four explosions in the city of Jarablus in the countryside of Aleppo

Four explosive devices exploded in three cars on Saturday evening, in the city of Jarablus, east of Aleppo, Syria.The Civil Defense in the city stated that two explosive devices exploded in one car with a slight difference in time, while…
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