
Commemoration of the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hassan al-Askary in Madagascar

Commemoration of the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hassan al-Askary in Madagascar

The Umm al-Baneen Center, peace be upon her, affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority in the city of Majunga, Madagascar, commemorated the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hassan al-Askary, peace be upon him, in a mourning ceremony at its headquarters.The ceremony…
Preaching campaign to introduce the Ahlulbayt in the east African countries

Preaching campaign to introduce the Ahlulbayt in the east African countries

The International Committee of Sayyed al-Shuhada, peace be upon him, which is affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority in Kuwait, continues its preaching campaign to introduce the Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, to the countries of east Africa.A number of…
Revival of the Muhsin Days at Sayeda Um al-Banin Center in Madagascar

Revival of the Muhsin Days at Sayeda Um al-Banin Center in Madagascar

The Sayeda Um al-Banin Center for Women, affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority, in the city of Majunga, Madagascar, commemorated the Muhsin Days by holding a mourning ceremony.The ceremony was attended by a group of followers of the Ahlulbayt, peace…
Mourning ceremonies held on martyrdom anniversary of Prophet Muhammad in Sweden

Mourning ceremonies held on martyrdom anniversary of Prophet Muhammad in Sweden

Ahlulbayt followers in the Kingdom of Sweden held mourning ceremonies commemorating the martyrdom anniversaries of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny, Imam Hassan and Imam Redha, peace be upon them.According to what was reported by the…
Foundation affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority sends aid to those affected by the floods in Niger

Foundation affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority sends aid to those affected by the floods in Niger

The International Sayyed al-Shuhada Committee, affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority in Kuwait, has sent aid to those affected by the recent floods that struck the African country of Niger.The aid consisted of quantities of basic foodstuffs and other necessities,…
Commemoration of Arbaeen in Madagascar

Commemoration of Arbaeen in Madagascar

The Ahlulbayt Center, affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority in the city of Majunga, Madagascar, held a mourning ceremony in memory of Arbaeen.The ceremony was attended by a group of Ahlulbayt followers, both men and women.The speakers shed light on…
Sweden grants citizenship to a right-wing extremist who burned a copy of the Holy Quran

Sweden grants citizenship to a right-wing extremist who burned a copy of the Holy Quran

Swedish media announced that the authorities in Sweden granted the Danish extremist, Rasmus Paludan, citizenship three days ago.According to the official Swedish news agency, Paludan, who leads the far-right Danish party, “Stram Cyrus”, said after the decision to grant him…
Commemoration of the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba in Madagascar

Commemoration of the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba in Madagascar

A mourning ceremony commemorating the martyrdom anniversary of Imam al-Hassan, peace be upon him, was held at the Ahlulbayt Center, which is affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority, in Madagascar.The ceremony was attended by a group of Ahlulbayt followers from…
Report highlights needs and conditions of Shia Muslims in Niger

Report highlights needs and conditions of Shia Muslims in Niger

The Ahl Al-Bayt – peace be upon them – Association issued a report on the most prominent needs and conditions of Shia Muslims in the state of Niger.“Given that Niger is a country that enjoys peaceful coexistence between markedly different…
Organizing mourning ceremonies in the Republic of Mozambique

Organizing mourning ceremonies in the Republic of Mozambique

In the African Republic of Mozambique, mourning ceremonies were held to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of the Ahlulbayt, peace be upon him, in the tragic event of Ashura, in the midst of a large popular presence.Local media and social networking…
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