
UNICEF condemns terrorist suicide attack in Cameroon

UNICEF condemns terrorist suicide attack in Cameroon

UNICEF has condemned a terrorist Boko Haram suicide attack in the Central African country of Cameroon that killed at least 15 civilians, including five children ranging from age 3 to 14.“I condemn this horrific act and call for the immediate…
Gunmen kidnap about 200 children from a Quranic school in Nigeria

Gunmen kidnap about 200 children from a Quranic school in Nigeria

Nigerian police said that armed men kidnapped, yesterday evening, dozens of children from a Quranic school in the north of the country.There are fears that up to 200 children have been kidnapped.Gunmen attacked the Saliho Tanko Islamic School in the…
Niger army repels major attack by Boko Haram terrorists in Diffa

Niger army repels major attack by Boko Haram terrorists in Diffa

Niger authorities announced that army units repelled, with heavy weapons, a major attack by the terrorist group Boko Haram on Diffa, the large city located in southeastern Niger near the border with Nigeria, without announcing the outcome of the losses.A…
Madagascar commemorates the anniversary of the demolition of al-Baqi

Madagascar commemorates the anniversary of the demolition of al-Baqi

The Umm al-Baneen Center, affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority in the city of Majunga, the Republic of Madagascar, commemorated the anniversary of the demolition of al-Baqi.A mourning ceremony was held in presence of a group of followers of the…
More than 100 missing, feared dead after Nigeria boat sinks

More than 100 missing, feared dead after Nigeria boat sinks

More than 100 people were missing and feared dead after a boat with more than 165 passengers, including women and children, broke up and sank as it was traveling in Nigeria’s northern Kebbi state, officials said Wednesday.Twenty-two people had been…
Boko Haram leader died blowing himself up to avoid capture

Boko Haram leader died blowing himself up to avoid capture

The Nigerian army says it is looking into reports that Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau has died after blowing himself up to avoid being captured by a rival group.Shekau, the long-time leader of the terrorist group — also known as…
Moroccan Shias prevented from practicing their religion due to government restrictions and extremist groups

Moroccan Shias prevented from practicing their religion due to government restrictions and extremist groups

The English-language website ‘Ya Biladi’ reported that Shia Muslims in Morocco still face challenges and restrictions that prevent them from practicing their freedom and religious beliefs, indicating that Moroccan Shias have resorted to secretly conducting their religious rituals, for fear…
Shias of Madagascar revive the demise anniversary of the late Sayyed Muhammad al-Shirazi

Shias of Madagascar revive the demise anniversary of the late Sayyed Muhammad al-Shirazi

Ahlulbayt followers in the Republic of Madagascar have revived the twentieth anniversary of the demise of the late Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Muhammad al-Husseini al-Shirazi, may Allah bless his soul.Ceremonies were held at Lady Umm al-Banin Center, which is affiliated with…
Who is Hussain volunteers distribute more than 2,700 food baskets to the underprivileged in Zanzibar

Who is Hussain volunteers distribute more than 2,700 food baskets to the underprivileged in Zanzibar

Volunteers from Who is Hussain Organization have intensified its humanitarian campaigns in the Zanzibar islands of Tanzania, with the aim of helping the largest possible number of underprivileged and poor people during the great month of Ramadan.“The legacy of Imam…
Nigerian Shias revive martyrdom anniversary of the Commander of the Faithful

Nigerian Shias revive martyrdom anniversary of the Commander of the Faithful

Ahlulbayt followers in Nigeria revived the painful tragedy of the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, while asserting that the persecution of the Shias continues by the current government.Mourners participated in a procession to commemorate the painful…
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