Holy Shrines

Campaign to demand the opening of Kadhumiya Holy Shrine

Campaign to demand the opening of Kadhumiya Holy Shrine

A campaign was launched on social media to demand that the Kadhumiya Holy Shrine be opened to pilgrims after being closed several months under the pretext of reconstruction.Social media activists wrote a joint message on social media networks saying, “We,…
Imam Hassan al-Askary Heritage Conference at Imam Hussain Holy Shrine

Imam Hassan al-Askary Heritage Conference at Imam Hussain Holy Shrine

The Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, witnessed the launch of the third International Conference on the Heritage of Imam al-Hassan al-Askary, peace be upon him, which is being held by the Center for the Revival of…
Imam Ali Holy Shrine covered in black for martyrdom anniversary of Fatima al-Zahraa, peace be upon her

Imam Ali Holy Shrine covered in black for martyrdom anniversary of Fatima al-Zahraa, peace be upon her

The Embroidery Department at Imam Ali Holy Shrine began to hang black banners throughout the holy courtyard ahead of the martyrdom anniversary of Fatima al-Zahraa, peace be upon her, according to the first narration.Ahlulbayt followers recall the tragedy of the…
Faith leaders from different religions and denominations at Imam Hussain Holy Shrine

Faith leaders from different religions and denominations at Imam Hussain Holy Shrine

The General Secretariat of Imam Hussain Holy Shrine held an interfaith forum of Iraq’s faith leaders from different religions and denominations under the slogan, ‘People are of two kinds, either your brothers in faith or your equals in humanity’, with…
Angry reactions to the closure of al-Kadhumiya Holy Shrine under the pretext of construction works

Angry reactions to the closure of al-Kadhumiya Holy Shrine under the pretext of construction works

Many activists and social media leaders have expressed their anger at the continued closure of the al-Kadhumiya Holy Shrine, under the pretext of construction works inside the holy shrine.Activists wrote on social media, that while all the holy shrines and…
Al-Kadhumiya Holy Shrine concludes the activities of the centenary conference of the twentieth revolution

Al-Kadhumiya Holy Shrine concludes the activities of the centenary conference of the twentieth revolution

Al-Kadhumiya Holy Shrine concluded the activities of its ninth annual scientific conference, held on the centenary of the great Iraqi revolution (The Twentieth Revolution), under the slogan, “The Religious Authority: The Multiplicity of Roles and Unity of the Goal of…
Start of manufacturing the grille of the Left Hand of al-Abbas in Karbala

Start of manufacturing the grille of the Left Hand of al-Abbas in Karbala

Head of the Department of Manufacturing Grilles and Doors of Holy Shrines, affiliated with al-Abbas Holy Shrine, Mr. Nadhum al-Ghurabi, said, “Following the directives of the Secretary-General of al-Abbas Holy Shrine, our staff began the implementation and manufacture of a…
Temporary grille of Zainabi Hill Site opens to pilgrims near Imam Hussain Holy Shrine

Temporary grille of Zainabi Hill Site opens to pilgrims near Imam Hussain Holy Shrine

The Maintenance Department of Imam Hussain Holy Shrine announced the completion of installing a temporary one-sided grille for the Zainabi Hill Site and laying the adjacent floor area, until the completion of al-Aqeelah Zainab Courtyard Project.Head of Department, Karim al-Anbari,…
Permanent exhibition in Babylon for artifacts and valuables of Imam Hussain Holy Shrine Museum

Permanent exhibition in Babylon for artifacts and valuables of Imam Hussain Holy Shrine Museum

A permanent exhibition hall belonging to Imam Hussain Holy Shrine’s Museum was opened in the Ruins of Babylon containing precious and rare artifacts dating back to several eras.The opening ceremony, held on October 31 at the Contemporary Hilla Museum in…
Delegation of the Kasnazani Sufi order visits al-Kadhumain Holy Shrine

Delegation of the Kasnazani Sufi order visits al-Kadhumain Holy Shrine

A delegation of the Kasnazani Sufi order in Diyala province, headed by Sheikh Ahmed al-Azzawi, visited al-Kadhumain Holy Shrine in Baghdad.The Deputy Secretary-General of the Holy Shrine, Saad Muhammad, received the delegation and expressed his great pleasure and pride in…
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