
Two terrorist attacks kill dozens in Borno, Nigeria

Two terrorist attacks kill dozens in Borno, Nigeria

Dozens of people were killed in two separate attacks by ISIS terrorists targeting Borno State, in northeastern Nigeria.According to military sources, ISIS terrorists stormed the town of Agiri in the state, arriving there on board trucks equipped with automatic weapons.The…
Around 30 reportedly killed in Burkina Faso village attack

Around 30 reportedly killed in Burkina Faso village attack

Terrorists have killed around 30 people in eastern Burkina Faso, security sources in the country said.A large group of armed men attacked the village of Kodyel in Komandjari province early on Monday morning, a local official said.If estimates of the…
“Week of Imam Ali” launched in Madagascar

“Week of Imam Ali” launched in Madagascar

A group of officials of the centers affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority in Madagascar announced establishing the “Week of Imam Ali, peace be upon him.”Sheikh Muhammad Radhi Wasram, the representative of the Shirazi Religious Authority, said that the week…
Humanitarian project implemented by the Sayyed al-Shuhada International Committee in Niger

Humanitarian project implemented by the Sayyed al-Shuhada International Committee in Niger

The Sayyed al-Shuhada International Committee, affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority in Kuwait, implemented its project entitled “Iftar of the Fasting” in the State of Niger, on the occasion of the great month of Ramadan.The Committee stated in a statement…
Exhibition of Quranic products in Uganda

Exhibition of Quranic products in Uganda

An exhibition of Quranic products was organized in Uganda on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan.The exhibition featured a display of the types of Qurans translated into English, French, Chinese, and Swahili, as well as types of religious…
Thirty-one soldiers killed in ISIS attack in eastern Nigeria

Thirty-one soldiers killed in ISIS attack in eastern Nigeria

On Sunday, at least 31 soldiers were killed in northeastern Nigeria in an ambush by ISIS terrorist group.According to Agence France-Presse, about twenty vehicles belonging to ISIS terrorists in West Africa attacked a military convoy in the town of Maynock…
Campaign to distribute Qurans to homes in South Africa

Campaign to distribute Qurans to homes in South Africa

An Islamic center in South Africa launched a Ramadan campaign to distribute Qurans translated into various languages to homes, in order to introduce Islam to the citizens of South Africa.The center, affiliated to a Muslim family, announced its work to…
The Grand Africa Competition for the Holy Quran

The Grand Africa Competition for the Holy Quran

The Benjamin National Stadium in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, witnessed thousands crowding the stadium’s stands to attend the 2021 Grand Africa Competition for the Holy Quran.The Grand Africa Competition for the Holy Quran, organized by the Al-Hikma Educational Foundation, includes…
Eleven civilians killed in a city seized by ISIS terrorists in northeastern Nigeria

Eleven civilians killed in a city seized by ISIS terrorists in northeastern Nigeria

Agence France-Presse reported that at least 11 civilians were killed in the city of Guidam, in northeastern Nigeria, which was seized by armed men from ISIS terrorist organization.The local official in the city, Ali Kulo Kashala, stated in a statement…
Nigeria: Ahlulbayt followers commemorate martyrdom anniversary of Lady Khadija

Nigeria: Ahlulbayt followers commemorate martyrdom anniversary of Lady Khadija

The Nigerian city of Kano witnessed, over a period of three days, the establishment of mourning ceremonies to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of the wife of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny, Lady Khadija, peace be upon…
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