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International Nonviolence Organization

International Nonviolence Organization: Yemen is on the brink of abyss due to Corona

International Nonviolence Organization: Yemen is on the brink of abyss due to Corona

The International Nonviolence Organization, Free Muslim, confirmed that Yemen is on the verge of abyss due to the Coronavirus pandemic.In…
The International Nonviolence Organization calls on Arab and Islamic countries to stop the war in Yemen

The International Nonviolence Organization calls on Arab and Islamic countries to stop the war in Yemen

The International Nonviolence Organization, Free Muslim, called on Arab and Islamic countries to take urgent action to stop the raging…
International Nonviolence Organization welcomes the release of the Saudi detainee Lujain al-Hathoul

International Nonviolence Organization welcomes the release of the Saudi detainee Lujain al-Hathoul

The International Nonviolence Organization, Free Muslim, has welcomed the decision of the Saudi authorities to release the activist Loujain Al-Hathoul…
International Nonviolence Organization condemns the arbitrary actions of the Israeli authority

International Nonviolence Organization condemns the arbitrary actions of the Israeli authority

The International Nonviolence Organization, Free Muslim, expressed its strong condemnation of the arbitrary actions committed by the Israeli authority against…
International Nonviolence Organization condemns the military coup in Myanmar

International Nonviolence Organization condemns the military coup in Myanmar

The International Nonviolence Organization, Free Muslim, expressed its deep concern and condemnation of the dangerous events taking place in Myanmar,…
International Nonviolence Organization condemns the Israeli campaign of arrests of Palestinian citizens
Islam World

International Nonviolence Organization condemns the Israeli campaign of arrests of Palestinian citizens

The International Nonviolence Organization, Free Muslim, expressed its strong condemnation of the Israeli campaign of arrests, which affected a number…
International Nonviolence Organization calls on the Russian authorities to stop the repression

International Nonviolence Organization calls on the Russian authorities to stop the repression

The International Nonviolence Organization, Free Muslim, expressed its grave concern about the acts of violence practiced by the Russian authorities…
International Nonviolence Organization calls on Biden not to obstruct criminal investigations against Trump

International Nonviolence Organization calls on Biden not to obstruct criminal investigations against Trump

The International Nonviolence Organization, Free Muslim, one of the human rights organizations affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority, called on…
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