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First Islamic Sharia compliant account launched in Uganda

First Islamic Sharia compliant account launched in Uganda

Uganda’s Finance Trust Bank on Thursday October 20th launched the country’s first Islamic Sharia compliant account called ‘Halal’. Prominent Muslim…
Malaysia set to host international halal expo

Malaysia set to host international halal expo

In three days, Malaysia is expected to host over 1,400 business meetings involving local and foreign companies to boost business…
‘World’s Halal Kitchens’ planned in Thailand

‘World’s Halal Kitchens’ planned in Thailand

Thailand aims to turn its southern border provinces into “world Halal kitchens” by promoting the manufacturing of food along Islamic…
CAIR-NY welcomes Halal meal options for students at Brentwood public schools

CAIR-NY welcomes Halal meal options for students at Brentwood public schools

The New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NY) today welcomed the announcement by the Brentwood Union Free…
Manchester to host Europe’s largest halal food festival
United Kingdom

Manchester to host Europe’s largest halal food festival

Manchester will host Europe’s largest halal food festival and according to estimations, the event will attract thousands of people from…
Indonesia accelerating digitization of MSMEs to encourage development of Islamic economy

Indonesia accelerating digitization of MSMEs to encourage development of Islamic economy

Indonesia’s Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises is encouraging the potential for developing the Islamic economy in the…
Halal Restaurant Week being celebrated in Wisconsin, USA

Halal Restaurant Week being celebrated in Wisconsin, USA

Milwaukee, the most populous city in the US state of Wisconsin, is hosting the Halal Restaurant Week for the first…
New online store to sell everything bearing the halal mark

New online store to sell everything bearing the halal mark

Preparations are underway in England to establish and launch an online store to sell everything bearing the “halal” brand, similar…
Seventh World Halal Summit for Halal Products launched in Istanbul

Seventh World Halal Summit for Halal Products launched in Istanbul

The eighth edition of the Expo for Halal Products and the Seventh World Halal Summit of the Organization of Islamic…
Istanbul to host Halal expo amid flourishing Islamic standard industry

Istanbul to host Halal expo amid flourishing Islamic standard industry

The eighth Halal expo will be held in collaboration of the Islamic Center for Development of Trade (ICDT) and Standard…
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