
Over 450 mosques announce call to prayer in largest cities of the Netherlands

Bloggers active in the religious field said on Sunday, that more than (450 mosques) are performing the call to prayer in the Netherlands, in reference to the expansion of Muslims and their mosques in the country.

They mentioned that “the Netherlands today embraces more than (450 mosques) distributed over the cities and states of the country,” noting that “the cultural capital Amsterdam alone embraces more than (40 mosques), the most famous of which is the Hagia Sophia Mosque, and the Rahma and Tawheed”.

They pointed out that “these blessed mosques go beyond their role as a house of worship to become social, cultural and intellectual institutions.”

A report by the National Center for Statistics in the Netherlands also monitored a massive demographic shift in major cities such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague, in which Muslims of Maghreb and Turkish origins make up 80% of the number of foreigners residing there.

 With rising immigration and high growth rates, the number of Muslims multiplied several times in the past half century, reaching at the end of the eighties (408 thousand people), then the number doubled in just ten years until it reached, according to official statistics, about (800 thousand people), while unofficial estimates  indicate that their number is nearing one million Muslims.

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