Labour Party to deselect Muslim MP, Apsana Begum

The Labour MP, Apsana Begum, who has been signed off sick amid a “sustained campaign of misogynistic abuse”, is now facing a vote over whether she will be allowed to stand in the next election.
The party confirmed the threshold to hold a trigger ballot into Apsana Begum – meaning local party members can vote to keep her as their candidate or opt for someone else – had been passed and a vote will now go ahead, despite sources close to her saying over 40 complaints had been submitted to Labour about the process.
Friends of Ms. Begum, who is Parliament’s first hijab-wearing MP, claim local members have broken rules to campaign for her de-selection, but say the party has refused to pause the vote to investigate.
Ms. Begum released a statement last month saying her GP had signed her off sick after she had gone to hospital.
She added: “For the duration of my time as a member of parliament, I have been subjected to a sustained campaign of misogynistic abuse and harassment. As a survivor of domestic abuse, it has been particularly painful and difficult.
“This abusive campaign has had a significant effect on my mental and physical health.”
It is worth mentioning that last year, Ms. Begum was cleared of housing fraud after her local council took her to court.