Shia researcher: Smear campaigns in Sweden against Muslims will fail and bring down the conspirators

The Shia researcher Mayassa Shebaa responded to the smear campaigns against Shia Muslims in Sweden, which escalated recently in the context of the electoral campaigns for candidates from the extreme right, stressing that such attempts will fail in the face of the truth and bring down the conspirators against Islam and the right doctrine.
Extremists in Sweden launched smear campaigns that described marriage in the Islamic religion as trade, and that the woman sells her body to the man in this sacred legal contract, coinciding with campaigns to burn the Quran in a country that claims democracy and guarantees religious freedoms.
Shebaa said in an audio recording monitored by Shia Waves News Agency, “Marriage in Islam is based on a sacred bond between a man and a woman through which they share marital life and establish a new family, not as the far-right say that it is a physical trade.”
She added that “marriage is this legal contract affirmed by Islam and the monotheistic religions. It establishes a family and individuals who serve society, while the West is now rejecting it and moving towards forbidden relations between men and women.”
She added that “the smear campaign tried to show that the dowry presented by the husband is considered an insult and contempt for the wife and that she agreed to sell her body and become his property,” describing such words as “empty nonsense.”
She replied that “marriage and the legal contract between a man and a woman is the most suitable for the permanence of life, and not spending money in forbidden relationships and the destruction of human offspring.”
Shebaa indicated that “the dowry provided is one of the conditions of the legal marriage contract between a man and a woman in Islam, and the Holy Quran expresses it as dowry, wages and obligation, and the husband must present it to the wife, so she can own it, and no one has the right to dispose of it without her permission.”
She also pointed out that “the wisdom of paying the dowry to the wife is to take care of her financial expenses and all the expenses she needs, and it is one of the husband’s duties towards his wife, as confirmed by the holy Sharia and the hadiths narrated on the authority of the Noble Prophet and his family, peace be upon them.”
“Marriage is not a commercial process concluded between a man and a woman, since the marriage takes place and is valid without mentioning the dowry at all, while the contract between the seller and buyer is invalidated if the required amount or financial price is not mentioned.”