
The United Nations reviews the extent of the damage caused by the bombing of the Saudi coalition in Hodeidah

The United Nations reviews the extent of the damage caused by the bombing of the Saudi coalition in Hodeidah

The head of the United Nations Mission to Support the Hodeidah Agreement (UNMHA) and the Head of the Redeployment Coordination Committee in Hodeidah, Major General Michael Beary, was briefed on the damages that affected the building of the Public Communications…
Amnesty International: The Saudi coalition used precision weapons in the bombing of Saada prison

Amnesty International: The Saudi coalition used precision weapons in the bombing of Saada prison

Amnesty International confirmed that the Saudi coalition used US-made precision-guided munitions during its targeting of the reserve prison in Saada, Yemen.It said in a report that the bombs used in the attack were laser-guided and manufactured by the American Raytheon…
Saudi coalition warplanes target the Yemeni capital, Sanaa

Saudi coalition warplanes target the Yemeni capital, Sanaa

The Saudi-led coalition warplanes again targeted the Yemeni capital, Sana’a, and the governorate, by launching several airstrikes.The Al Masirah Net website stated that the coalition warplanes launched 4 raids on maintenance in Al-Nahda neighborhood in Al-Thawra district, and launched 3…
Doctors Without Borders slams led coalition airstrike, describes it as “unjustified”

Doctors Without Borders slams led coalition airstrike, describes it as “unjustified”

More than 60 victims were martyred and more than 120 wounded as a result of the Saudi coalition raids, which directly targeted the central prison in Saada on Friday.Earlier, the Saudi coalition aircraft targeted the communications tower in the city…
Five civilians, including a child, killed in Saudi shelling on Marib

Five civilians, including a child, killed in Saudi shelling on Marib

Five civilians, including a child, were killed in an air strike by the Saudi coalition on the HaribBayhan district, southeast of the Yemeni governorate of Ma’rib.The official “Saba” news agency in Sana’a stated that “the planes of the Saudi coalition…
12 people killed in Saudi coalition bombing, north of Sanaa

12 people killed in Saudi coalition bombing, north of Sanaa

12 people, including women and children, were killed, and 11 others were injured as a result of raids launched by the Saudi coalition, on Monday evening, on the “Libyan” neighborhood north of Sanaa.Yemeni sources said that there are reports of…
Saudi Arabia: Visit permits to Prophet Tomb limited to men

Saudi Arabia: Visit permits to Prophet Tomb limited to men

Only Muslim men are allowed to get permits to visit the Prophet’s tomb in the holy city of Medina via the app “Eatmarna” while women can book such visits while at the mosque that houses the tomb, a Saudi newspaper…
Saudi Arabia issues 135,000 permits daily for Umrah and prayer at Grand Mosque

Saudi Arabia issues 135,000 permits daily for Umrah and prayer at Grand Mosque

The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah announced that the total number of Umrah permits issued on a daily basis reached 64,000 while the number of average daily permits for prayer at the Grand Mosque in Makkah stood at 71,000, bringing…
Saudi coalition warplanes launch three raids on Sanaa

Saudi coalition warplanes launch three raids on Sanaa

The Saudi-led coalition launched three raids in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, and the Sanhan district.A security source stated that, at around 1:00 am, Sanaa time, coalition warplanes launched two raids on a park in the capital.It added that another raid…
Saudi coalition warplanes launch 6 raids on the capital, Sanaa, damaging citizens’ homes

Saudi coalition warplanes launch 6 raids on the capital, Sanaa, damaging citizens’ homes

The Saudi-led coalition launched 6 raids on the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, targeting a private maintenance workshop in the residential neighborhoods of Bani Al-Harith district, north of the capital.The Al-Masirah website reported that the homes and properties of citizens were damaged…
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