
889, 353 men and women participate in the blessed Hajj Pilgrimage and the Kingdom confirms that no new infections were recorded

Guests of the Almighty from different countries of the world gathered at his Sacred House to perform the great Hajj Pilgrimage, despite the challenges they faced this year.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia provided many electronic applications to help pilgrims and facilitate their movements, while their total number reached (889,353 pilgrims).

According to the Saudi Hajj and Umrah Authority, there were 779,919 foreign pilgrims and 119,434 local pilgrims.

A total of 486,458 men and 412,895 women participated in the performance of the blessed Hajj, while the number of electronic Hajj visas issued for foreign pilgrims reached 763900, and Indonesia was the highest country registered in the Hajj season of the current year with 102,170 thousand visas.

The percentage of pilgrims from Asian countries excluding Arab countries reached 53.8%, while the percentage of pilgrims from Arab countries reached 21.4%.

Meanwhile, the percentage of pilgrims from African countries excludint Arab countries reached 13.2%, while the percentage of pilgrims from Europe, North and South America and Australia reached 11.6%.

Despite the health threats to this year’s pilgrimage with the continuation of the Corona pandemic, the pilgrimage did not record any infections at all, while the pilgrims faced challenges, most notably sunstroke and fatigue due to the hot weather, however the ceremonies are taking place with a high flow.

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