Call for action to stop Islamophobia in SD Unified

San Diego Unified School District board members voted unanimously Tuesday in favor of a plan to address Islamophobia and bullying of Muslim students.
San Diego Unified School District board members voted unanimously Tuesday in favor of a plan to address Islamophobia and bullying of Muslim students.
More than 200 members and supporters of the city’s Muslim community erupted into applause after the vote.
“You guys are essentially the reason why this district is one of the safest in the nation,” said Hanif Mohebi, executive director of the San Diego chamber of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Earlier in the meeting, a Muslim leader urged the district to produce a plan.
Mohebi also told the board that according a CAIR survey, some 55 percent of students asked said they had been bullied, while one out of five said school staff were not supportive.