Muharram-mourning Mawakib set to launch in holy city of Karbala

Muharram-mourning Mawakib are being prepared this year in the holy city of Karbala, as in previous years, with dozens to be set up near the Holy Shrines. Karbala Governorate has also taken measures to increase its security forces during these days.
As Muharram and the days of mourning for Imam al-Hussain (peace be upon him) are approaching, Karbala is drowned in mourning and black mourning flags are seen in every alley and street.
In the vicinity of the sacred Shrines of Imam al-Hussain and Abalfazl al-Abbas, peace be upon them both, Mawakib are being prepared to serve the pilgrims and visitors from the first night of Muharram all the way through the month of lamentation.
Many of these Mawakib distribute food and drinks, but due to the hot weather, they have also prepared cold sherbets for the pilgrims along with Iraqi tea.
As the days of mourning for Imam al-Hussain (peace be upon him) are approaching, the security forces are preparing to create a safe environment so that Hussaini pilgrims can visit the shrine and mourn through the designated routes.
The Governorate of Karbala has also taken actions to establish security in Karbala with the arrival of the first ten-days of Muharram, and security forces have been stationed at the entrances of Karbala, with plans to deploy more forces during the coming days.
Certain routes have been designated for the mourning processions whereby Hosseini mourners can move towards the Holy Shrines and establish Azadari.
From the side of the Husseini Shrine, 6 routes, and from the side of al-Abbas Shrine, four routes have been designated for the formation of mourning processions.
Last year, many Iranians visited Karbala during the first ten-days of Muharram, and some of them participated not only in the Flag-Changing Ceremony, but also in Tasu’a and Ashura mourning rites.
In the morning of Ashura, the Blood-and-Sword Mourning groups, and in the afternoon of Ashura, the Tuwairij Mourning processions perform the Azadari rituals while entering the Husseini Shrine from the direction of Bab al-Qibla, and move towards the shrine of the Honourable Abalfazl al-Abbas (peace be upon him).
It should be mentioned that every year in the first ten-days of Muharram, millions of pilgrims from different countries come to visit Imam al-Hussain (peace be upon him).