
Taliban Impose Ban on Shia Religious Texts, Deride Followers as ‘Polytheists’

The Taliban have intensified restrictions against Shia Muslims in Afghanistan, banning the import of Shia religious books and prayer texts, an article by Hasht-e-Subh Daily revealed yesterday.

Pilgrims returning from Karbala report harsh treatment at border crossings, particularly at Islam Qala, where Taliban officials insult Shia followers, labeling them as “polytheists and infidels.” Many pilgrims have expressed concerns over the confiscation of religious materials they purchased during visits to Shia holy sites in Iran and Iraq.

One pilgrim, Abdul Hussain (pseudonym), described thorough searches by Taliban members, who inspected clothing and bags for religious texts without explanation. Another anonymous pilgrim recounted being subjected to humiliation and derogatory language after his religious books were seized. Efforts to address these issues with Taliban officials have led to even harsher treatment.

Over the past three years, the Taliban have imposed severe restrictions on Shia religious ceremonies and annulled the Personal Status Law for Shia Muslims, which had allowed them to manage legal and religious matters according to Ja’fari principles. The Council of Shia Scholars has repeatedly raised concerns with Taliban officials but has seen no response to their demands.

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