Bahrainis revive the martyrdom anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny

Ahlulbayt followers in Bahrain revived the martyrdom anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny.
The towns and cities of Bahrain witnessed manifestations of sadness and condolences for the painful tragedy, as mourners went out in mourning processions in which they revived the rituals of beating the chests, in sorrow and grief over the martyrdom of the Prophet of Mercy Muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny.
The Bahrainis, in separate conversations with Shia Waves, said: “This great calamity befalls all Muslims, and they are in dire need of implementing the teachings of the Noble Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny.”
The Bahrainis affirmed that “Ahlulbayt followers will continue reviving the occasions of the Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, by supporting their cause and introducing their authentic principles and great message to all humanity.”