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Islam World

730,000 illiterate women in Saudi Arabia

Women account for 60 percent of illiterate residents in Saudi Arabia, according to studies conducted by the Central Department of Statistics & Information.


Almost 730,000 women cannot read or write, according to the study. More than 426,000 men, by contrast, are also illiterate.

Around the same number of teens from both genders are illiterate.

Astonishingly, almost 15,000 boys and girls in equal measure cannot read or write in 15 to 19-year age bracket despite enhanced educational initiatives.

The study also found that age and illiteracy among women were directly proportional, with more women being illiterate in older age groups.

Almost 13,000 women in the 20-24-year age bracket are illiterate, compared with just over 10,000 men.

The study also found that there were 10 times as many young boys going through primary school compared with girls.


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