Observers stated to the digital content of the Iraqi Center for Documentation of Extremist Crimes that the report issued by the United Nations investigative team “UNITAD” is incomplete, as it overlooked the documented crimes committed against Shia Turkmen women in Tal Afar, and was skeptical towards the violations they were subjected to by ISIS extremists, with many of them still have an unknown fate.
The UN investigative team on ISIS’s crimes “UNITAD” issued a report on the physical violations, rape, mistreatment, and torture suffered by women and girls at the hands of the ISIS terrorist organization in Iraq during its control over large parts of Iraqi territory.
The UN report revealed heinous crimes committed against women, minors, and children, including armed men from ISIS subjecting girls under the age of nine to forced marriage, as well as rape and abuse.
The report also showed patterns of violence committed by ISIS militants against Shia Turkmen, Christians, and Yazidi women during their control over Mosul, Nineveh, and Sinjar.
However, the report overlooked a number of facts about the kidnapped Turkmen women and dealt with the subject with skepticism, although the testimonies of Yazidi women about what happened to many of the kidnapped Turkmen women, including rape, murder, and burning, are known.
The concerned team did not travel to Tal Afar to listen to survivors and witnesses to learn the facts decisively.
It is worth mentioning that the Iraqi Center for Documentation of Extremist Crimes worked to provide the international investigative team with names of kidnnaped Turkmen women and other documents incriminating ISIS.