Holy ShrinesIraqNEWS

Iraq: Advanced construction works at Babylon-based Shrine of Bakr, son of Imam Ali

The Secretariat-General of the Holy Shrines in Iraq has announced today Monday that the reconstruction works are continuing at the Shrine of Sayyed Bakr – son of Imam Ali, peace be upon them.

The shrine, located in the province of Babylon, is considered one of the Shia holy sites, which is visited around the year by large crowds of AhlulBayt devotees, especially during the months of sorrow, Muharram and Safar.

The official statement of the Secretariat-General said the bricks are being laid and will be followed be roofing the Shrine’s Iwans and tiling the floor.

It added that, “The current construction works include building the dome, upgrading the loudspeakers around the shrine as well as building a public convenience.

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