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10-fold increase in Muslim population of Spain over three decades

Mohamed Ajana Al-Wafi, Secretary General of the Islamic Commission in Spain, said that the number of Muslims in this country has increased 10 times over the past three decades.

He added: “Current official statistics indicate that the number of Muslims in Spain has reached 2.5 million, while unofficial figures estimate their number to be around three million.”

He continued: “In the past, the majority of Muslims were immigrants. But now, Spaniards themselves form a percentage of Muslims.” Ajana also said that there are currently 53 Islamic federations serving the Muslim community in Spain, and that there are about 2,000 mosques.

He said the main problems that Muslims face are obtaining permits and licenses for the construction of mosques, the existence of only 40 Muslim cemeteries despite the increase in population, education, and Islamophobia.

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