
International Organizations: Israeli airstrikes put Lebanese civilians at “grave risk of harm”

International organizations, including Human Rights Watch, warned Wednesday that Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon are placing civilians at “grave risk of harm,” calling for an international investigation into the “recent hostilities” in Lebanon and northern Israel.

In a statement, Human Rights Watch noted that since September 23, “over a thousand Israeli airstrikes across Lebanon” have resulted in the deaths of “hundreds and injured thousands.”

Lama Fakih, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch, urged UN member states to “take immediate action for an independent investigation into violations during the current hostilities,” underscoring the critical importance of Israel adhering to the laws of war to minimize civilian harm.

Since Monday, Israeli airstrikes have primarily targeted southern and eastern Lebanon in a significant escalation of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, which has been intensifying since October 2023 following the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported on Wednesday that “more than 90,530” additional people have been displaced in Lebanon since Monday due to the heavy Israeli airstrikes on several areas, amid the ongoing escalation with Hezbollah.

The International Rescue Committee (IRC), a non-governmental organization, expressed “serious concern about the escalating conflict in Lebanon,” warning that “continued insecurity could significantly hinder our ability to provide critical aid to those in need.”

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) also issued an urgent appeal on Monday, calling on “all parties to the conflict to immediately de-escalate and end the indiscriminate attacks that are destroying homes and civilian infrastructure.”

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