
Allama Al-Hilli Religious Seminary offers various cultural services to Arbaeen pilgrims in Holy Karbala

Allama Al-Hilli Religious Seminary offers various cultural services to Arbaeen pilgrims in Holy Karbala

The scholarly seminary of Sheikh Ahmed bin Fahd Al-Hilli, announced in Holy Karbala, the provision of various cultural services to the pilgrims of Arbaeen.  In a statement received by Shia Waves News Agency, the seminary said, “The scholars and students…
Millions of pilgrims perform ceremonies of Arbaeen Pilgrimage in Holy Karbala

Millions of pilgrims perform ceremonies of Arbaeen Pilgrimage in Holy Karbala

The holy city of Karbala witnesses the greatest gathering of the followers Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, where millions of pilgrims of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, flocked to the city, to participate in the ceremonies of the Arbaeen…
A delegation from Sierra Leone visits the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali, peace be upon him

A delegation from Sierra Leone visits the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali, peace be upon him

A number of lovers of the pure Ahlulbayt (peace be upon them), accompanied by a group of converts from the State of Sierra Leone in Africa, had the honor of visiting the Holy Shrine of the Commander of the Faithful,…
Public Relations Center of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi launches mobile bakery to serve pilgrims of Arbaeen

Public Relations Center of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi launches mobile bakery to serve pilgrims of Arbaeen

 The Public Relations Center of the Office of the Grand Ayatollah Shirazi launched the “Mobile Bakery” project to provide services to the Husseini pilgrims during the Arbaeen Pilgrimage. The mobile bakery produces 20,000 loaves of bread daily to be distributed…
Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation distributes ice cubes to Husseini processions on Najaf-Karbala Road

Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation distributes ice cubes to Husseini processions on Najaf-Karbala Road

In addition to its various service projects and activities this year, serving the pilgrims of the Arbaeen, Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation for Relief and Development, under the directions of the Office of the Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq Al-Husseini…
Swedish citizens set up Mawkib to serve Arbaeen Pilgrims in Karbala

Swedish citizens set up Mawkib to serve Arbaeen Pilgrims in Karbala

 A group of Swedish citizens served the Arbaeen pilgrims by setting up the Mawkib of Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba, peace be upon him.  The Mawkib of Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba, peace be upon him, is one of the Mawkibs affiliated with the…
Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation and Imam Hussein Charity (IHC) distribute one million water cups to service Mawkibs

Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation and Imam Hussein Charity (IHC) distribute one million water cups to service Mawkibs

Under the guidance of the Office of the Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, and in cooperation with Imam Hussein Charity (IHC), Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation for Relief and Development sent large quantities of water to service Mawkibs…
Canadian ambassador to Iraq visits Imam Hussein Holy Shrine

Canadian ambassador to Iraq visits Imam Hussein Holy Shrine

Yesterday, Wednesday, the Canadian Ambassador to Iraq Mr. Gregory Galligan had the honor of visiting the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, peace be upon him. The ambassador toured its museum and said, “A special day in Karbala to observe the Arbaeen…
Holy Karbala overcrowded with pilgrims as Arbaeen Pilgrimage draws near

Holy Karbala overcrowded with pilgrims as Arbaeen Pilgrimage draws near

With Arbaeen Pilgrimage approaching, streets and districts in holy Karbala are overcrowded with pilgrims from all over the world. All streets leading to the holy shrines of Imam Hussein and Abu al-Fadhl al-Abbas, peace be upon them, are witnessing continuous…
The Iraqi Ministry of Transport allocates 1,000 buses to transport Arbaeen pilgrims from Karbala to other provinces

The Iraqi Ministry of Transport allocates 1,000 buses to transport Arbaeen pilgrims from Karbala to other provinces

 The Iraqi Ministry of Transport announced the allocation of 1000 buses to transport Arbaeen pilgrims from Karbala to other provinces. The Director-General of the General Company for Land Transport in the Ministry of Transport, Mortada Al-Shahmani, said in a statement…
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