
More than 3,500 processions take part in providing services to Arbaeen Pilgrims in Dhi Qar

More than 3,500 processions take part in providing services to Arbaeen Pilgrims in Dhi Qar

The Husseini Rituals and Processions Department, affiliated with the Holy Shrines of Imam Hussein and al-Abbas, announced the participation of 3820 service tents to provide food, drink and rest areas for pilgrims in Dhi Qar province.The tents are spread within…
Delegation of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi Office visits the Husseini processions in Sooq al-Shuyoukh district and its suburbs

Delegation of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi Office visits the Husseini processions in Sooq al-Shuyoukh district and its suburbs

A delegation from the office of the Supreme Religious Authority, Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, visited the Hussaini processions in the district of Sooq al-Shuyoukh and its suburbs in the province of Dhi Qar, where the delegation met with officials of…
The Committee for the Eradication of Orphan Poverty in Iraq continues to hold its meetings

The Committee for the Eradication of Orphan Poverty in Iraq continues to hold its meetings

The committee overseeing the project to eradicate orphan poverty in Iraq, affiliated to the Misbah al-Hussein Foundation for Relief and Development, which operates under the supervision of the Office of Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, continues to hold its…
Terrorist killed and 10 ISIS terrorist hideouts found in Kirkuk

Terrorist killed and 10 ISIS terrorist hideouts found in Kirkuk

The Iraqi Security Media Cell announced that a terrorist had been killed and 10 ISIS hideouts have been found during security operations in Kirkuk province.In a statement, the cell stated that with the aim of enhancing security and stability and…
Arbaeen pilgrims continue their march towards the holy city of Karbala

Arbaeen pilgrims continue their march towards the holy city of Karbala

The pilgrims that set out from the farthest border point in southern Iraq are continuing their march towards the holy city of Karbala to participate in the commemoration of Arbaeen.Despite the outbreak of Covid-19, the high heat of the sun…
Iraqi parliament calls on government to allow foreign visitors to participate in Al-Arbeen Pilgrimage

Iraqi parliament calls on government to allow foreign visitors to participate in Al-Arbeen Pilgrimage

The head of the parliamentary committee of endowment and religious affairs, Hussein al-Yassari, issued an official statement in which he demanded the government and the prime minister to allow foreign visitors to participate in the pilgrimage of the martyrdom of…
More than 1970 service tents take part in serving the Arbaeen pilgrims in Basra

More than 1970 service tents take part in serving the Arbaeen pilgrims in Basra

The Husseini Service Tents Body in Basra, affiliated to the Husseini Rituals and Processions Department of the holy shrines of Imam Hussein and al-Abbas, peace be upon them, announced that the number of service tents providing free services to Arbaeen…
Crowds walking from the far south of Iraq to participate in Arbaeen reach Dhi Qar province

Crowds walking from the far south of Iraq to participate in Arbaeen reach Dhi Qar province

Crowds of believers are continuing their walk on foot to participate in the Arbaeen Pilgrimage.A Shiawaves correspondent said that the pilgrims have reached the borders of Dhi Qar province, heading towards the holy city of Karbala to participate Arbaeen.He added…
Iraqi intelligence arrests four terrorists and seizes ISIS terrorist hideout in Salah al-Din

Iraqi intelligence arrests four terrorists and seizes ISIS terrorist hideout in Salah al-Din

The Iraqi Intelligence Agency reported that four terrorists were arrested, and an ISIS terrorist hideout was seized in the districts of Tuz Khurmatu, Hawija, and Amerli in the province of Salah al-Din.The agency stated in a press release, “The detachments…
More than 1000 service tents in Dhi-Qar prepare to receive Arbaeen pilgrims

More than 1000 service tents in Dhi-Qar prepare to receive Arbaeen pilgrims

An official source in the Iraqi province of Dhi-Qar said yesterday, that more than 1000 service tents have been set up to provide their free services to the beloved Arbaeen pilgrims within the administrative borders of the province.The head of…
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