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IHC, Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation and Imam Hussein Media Group launch Annual Grand Sacrifice Project

The UK-based Imam Hussein Charity (IHC), in collaboration with Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation for Relief and Development and Imam Hussein Media Group, has launched a new phase of its ‘Annual Grand Sacrifice Project’.

The groups slaughtered serveral camels and sheep with the intention of ensuring the safety of Imam Al-Mahdi, may Allah Almighty hasten his honourable reappearance, and the meat was distributed to Husseini Mawakib and pilgrims.

Officials told Shia Waves Agency: “Under the direction of the Misbah Al-Hussein’s president, Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Sheikh Mustafa Al-Mohammadi, dozens of sacrifices were made, and their meat was distributed across Holy Karbala.”

They pointed out that “the charity sacrifice project is carried out under the direct guidance of the Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq Al-Husseini Al-Shirazi, in collaboration with international and local partners.”

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