
France demands Pakistan rectifies Macron Nazi jibe

France demands Pakistan rectifies Macron Nazi jibe

France and Pakistan Clash France’s FM has demanded Pakistan authorities to withdraw comments made by one of its ministersThis comes as part of a clash between the countries over the publication insulting images of the ProphetMazari: Macron is doing to…
Anti-Islam phrases on the walls of a mosque in Germany

Anti-Islam phrases on the walls of a mosque in Germany

IslamophobiaUnknown persons placed posters containing anti-Islam expressions on a street lamp near a mosqueThe posters read: “Germany is for Germans” and “Let the Foreigners Leave”The mosque was built 35 years ago and has not been subjected to any such attack…
China tightens restrictions on Uighur Muslims

China tightens restrictions on Uighur Muslims

Uighur MuslimsChina has increased its restrictions that target the spiritual and educational life of Muslims in ChinaThis was mentioned in a report published by the NPRMuslim families burn their books on the Islamic religion and hide traces of that from…
New Zealand Police introduce hijab to uniform

New Zealand Police introduce hijab to uniform

New Zealand Police have introduced a hijab into their official uniform to encourage more Muslim women to join.New recruit Constable Zeena Ali will become the first officer to wear the official hijab.A spokesperson said they aimed to create an “inclusive”…
American Ambassador: 80% of the world’s population lives in countries that restrict religious freedom

American Ambassador: 80% of the world’s population lives in countries that restrict religious freedom

The United States Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom, Sam Brownback, described government officials who took advantage of the Corona pandemic to restrict religious freedom as malicious, stressing that the exploitation of the pandemic crisis has led to an increase in…
France orders the dissolution of the Collective Against Islamophobia Association in France

France orders the dissolution of the Collective Against Islamophobia Association in France

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced that he had informed the security services concerned with the implementation of the dissolution of the Association Against Anti-Islamophobia, known as the Collective Against Islamophobia in France (CCIF).This comes as the French government’s cracks…
India reopens places of worship despite Coronavirus

India reopens places of worship despite Coronavirus

Mosques, churches and temples in India have opened their doors to worshipers, after the government lifted restrictions on public areas despite the registration of a record number of cases of Covid-19 infections within one day.The government allowed the opening of…
The Swedish judiciary annuls the decision to ban the headscarf in schools

The Swedish judiciary annuls the decision to ban the headscarf in schools

A Swedish administrative court has annulled the decision to ban wearing the headscarf imposed in schools by the municipality of Skurup in the state of Ascon, southern Sweden.The Malmö Administrative Court stated, in a statement, that the municipal council’s decision…
Sri Lanka: More than 100 thousand displaced Muslims living in difficult circumstances

Sri Lanka: More than 100 thousand displaced Muslims living in difficult circumstances

The Island newspaper indicated the extent of the suffering faced by the Muslims of northern Sri Lanka, who were expelled thirty years ago and displaced to other areas at gunpoint.According to the newspaper article, “About 100,000 Muslims were expelled at…
Muslim activist removed from plane after verbal exchange with another passenger

Muslim activist removed from plane after verbal exchange with another passenger

Muslim media influencer Amani al-Khatahtbeh claimed Saturday she was kicked off an American Airlines flight in Newark, New Jersey, because another passenger “felt uncomfortable” following a heated verbal exchange at the TSA security line.Al-Khatahtbeh, founder of the website Muslim Girl,…
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