
Malaysian court overturns ban on use of ‘Allah’ by non-Muslim publications

Malaysian court overturns ban on use of ‘Allah’ by non-Muslim publications

A Malaysian court on Wednesday overturned a decades-old government policy barring non-Muslim publications from using the word “Allah” to refer to God, in a landmark ruling on an issue that has fanned religious tensions in the mainly Muslim country.The decision…
Indonesia: Muslim body calls to help hunger-hit Yemenis

Indonesia: Muslim body calls to help hunger-hit Yemenis

Indonesia’s top religious authority has called on Muslims in the country to raise funds to help hunger-hit Yemenis.The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) asked the wealthy Muslims in general, and Islamic and humanitarian organizations in Indonesia in particular, to raise funds…
127 Indian Muslims charged with ‘terror’ acquitted after 19 years

127 Indian Muslims charged with ‘terror’ acquitted after 19 years

On December 26, 2001, Mohammad Abdul Hai boarded a train to Gujarat to attend a three-day seminar on Muslim education organized by the All India Minority Education Board, of which Hai – then an associate professor at Jodhpur’s Jai Narain…
Man charged with three hate-motivated attacks on women in Edmonton

Man charged with three hate-motivated attacks on women in Edmonton

Police say a 44-year-old man has been arrested and charged with three hate-motivated attacks on women in Edmonton.Shane Edward Tremblay, who has no fixed address, is facing three counts of uttering threats and three counts of assault.The first attack took…
Switzerland referendum: Voters support ban on face coverings in public

Switzerland referendum: Voters support ban on face coverings in public

Switzerland has narrowly voted in favor of banning face coverings in public, including the burka or niqab worn by Muslim women.Official results showed the measure had passed by 51.2% to 48.8% in Sunday’s referendum.The proposal was put forward by the…
Islam lessons become an official subject in Bavarian schools

Islam lessons become an official subject in Bavarian schools

Authorities in Bavaria have decided to make Islamic teaching an official subject in schools. From the next school year, the subject will be offered in about 350 schools in the province, Deutsche Welle (DW) writes.From next school year, Islamic education…
French government looks for ways to close down more mosques

French government looks for ways to close down more mosques

The anti-Muslim climate in France is normalizing a general crackdown on the country’s 6 million-strong Muslim community.France’s right-wing Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin in a statement expressed his displeasure at not being able to close down more mosques in the country.Darmanin…
Belgium suspends licenses to export weapons to the Saudi Guard

Belgium suspends licenses to export weapons to the Saudi Guard

In Belgium, the State Council decided to suspend four licenses to export weapons from the Wallonia region in the south of the country to the Saudi National Guard.This came after three Belgian human rights organizations appealed against the decision of…
Rohingyas in Jammu fear deportation to Myanmar after police detain over 150

Rohingyas in Jammu fear deportation to Myanmar after police detain over 150

Indian police have detained more than 150 Rohingya refugees found living illegally in the northern region of Jammu and Kashmir and a process has begun to deport them back to Myanmar, two officials said on Sunday.Dozens of Rohingya are in…
Swiss to vote on ‘burqa ban’ plan

Swiss to vote on ‘burqa ban’ plan

Switzerland votes Sunday on whether to ban full facial coverings in public places, despite women in Islamic full-face veils being an exceptionally rare sight in Swiss streets.Polls indicate a slim majority support the move, in a vote that comes after…
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