
Free Muslim denounces the ban of prayer in French universities

The International Nonviolence Organization, Free Muslim, expressed its strong condemnation and disapproval of the decision of the French Senate to ban the performance of prayers in French universities, calling on the French authorities to reconsider this measure, which represents a flagrant violation of public and private freedoms.
The organization said in a statement, followed by Shia Waves Agency, that this adds to the controversial “Islamic separatism” bill, which discriminates Muslims.
It added, “During the discussion of the bill, which later became named (Principles for Promoting Respect for the Values of the Republic), and was criticized for targeting Muslims, the center-right Republican Party proposed adding a clause prohibiting prayer in the halls of universities, as well as prohibiting religious activities that may hinder educational activities.”
The statement continued, “Despite the opposition of the Senate members of the Left Party and Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanker, to the proposal, it was passed, by the votes of the members of the House of the right-wing parties.”
The organization confirmed that this decision has negative results and will not definitely affect the endeavors of social security and civil peace within the state, as it consolidates a concept hostile to the Islamic religion and its beliefs, and will be a reason for widening the gap between the French Muslim citizens and their counterparts from other religions.
The organization stressed the importance of the French Senate reviewing the implications of this decision for the near and long future, in addition to it being a flagrant violation of international laws.

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