
Intel Non-Violence Organization welcomes holding of “Non-Alignment” conference in Uganda

The International Non-Violence Organization (Freemuslim) welcomed the announcement of the conference of the Non-Alignment Movement in Uganda, expressing its hope that the outcomes of the conference will contribute to the formulation of executive decisions that will help to alleviate the suffering of the peoples of the Middle East.

In its letter, the organization saw that “the exceptional circumstances the international community is going through, especially with the sharp division that appears between the Eastern and Western camps, obliges the Non-Alignment countries to take independent and influential positions on the level of bringing closer viewpoints and reducing the current crisis and the threats.”

Freemuslim also called for “bringing the warring parties to dialogue and to search for solutions that lead to a just settlement that restores the international stability and security to acceptable levels.”

The organization also called on the participants in Uganda to “the need to search for solutions to the ongoing problematic issues that the peoples of developing countries suffer from in terms of security, economy, politics and environmental phenomena.”

The Ugandan capital of Kampala will host the summit of the Non-Alignment countries on January 19 and 20, 2024, as well as the summit meetings of the Group of 77 for developing countries on January 21 and 22 of the same month.

The Non-Alignment Movement is an international gathering of 120 member developing countries that emerged during the Cold War, based on the principle of non-alignment with either of the Western bloc, led by the United States of America, or the Eastern bloc, led by the Soviet Union (formerly). It currently aims to create a neutral and non-aligned current with the international policy of the great powers in the world.

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