
Kebir Mosque Reopens After Restoration in Kayseri, Türkiye

The historic Kebir Mosque, known as the “first Friday Mosque,” has reopened to the public following an extensive restoration of its three doors, Daily Sabah reported yesterday.

This significant project, which took eight months, was led by historian Halit Erkiletlioğlu and involved hand-carved artistry based on the original design.

The restoration began after examining the original door at the Ankara Ethnography Museum, with oversight from the Monuments Board. The mosque, commissioned by Melik Muhammed Gazi between 1134-1143, showcases remarkable architectural achievement from a time without modern machinery.

Erkiletlioğlu highlighted the mosque’s historical importance and detailed its evolution, including a 1206 restoration by Muzaffereddin Mahmud. Today, Kebir Mosque stands as a testament to Kayseri’s rich cultural heritage, located near the Grand Bazaar and proudly displaying its newly restored doors.

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