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Muslims in Poros present roses to the police after they refused to permit the burner of the Holy Quran

Muslims living in the Swedish city of Poros, located about 400 km south of the capital Stockholm, organized a march and chanted “God is Great”, while they presented flowers to the city policemen in the area.

The march, which received wide media coverage in the country, came after the police’s refusal to grant the Danish right-wing extremist Rasmus Paludan a permit that would allow him to burn the Holy Qur’an in the same area.

Although Paludan threatened that he would come to the area in defiance of the police, dozens of Muslim youths chanted “Allahu Akbar” peacefully, and presented roses to the policemen and exchanged friendly conversations with them.

Many Swedish people interacted positively with the positive behavior shown by Muslims in the city, and praised it through the social media sites, especially as it came in the wake of protests that lasted for several days after Paludan and his group burned the Qur’an in several Swedish cities during the past two weeks.

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