Islamic groups collaborate to fight against racism after death of George Floyd

Of the dozens of billboards that line I-294, some Muslim organizations are hoping one, in the northbound lanes near Grand Avenue will stand out.
Of the dozens of billboards that line I-294, some Muslim organizations are hoping one, in the northbound lanes near Grand Avenue will stand out.
In bold letters, it has a statement that says “ISLAM prohibits RACISM.”
“The billboard is symbolic of the need to maintain awareness in our community of the presence of systemic racism,” said Gregory Abdullah Mitchell.
The billboard is part of a campaign launched by the Islamic groups GainPeace, the Council for Social Justice and the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago.
They said it is important to continue to the fight against racism that ramped up after the death of George Floyd.
“We all acknowledge that this country was built on the backs of slaves but the reality is racism in this country is still prevalent to this day,” said activist Aminah Ahmed.
Similar billboards went up in Atlanta and Canada. The organizations also mailed 50,000 postcards like these denouncing racism to homes around the country.
“We as Americans, we as people of concern are in solidarity with people of color. People of all races and people of all backgrounds,” said Dr.Sabeel Ahmed with GainPeace.