Churches in Greece open doors after two months

Churches throughout Greece have opened their doors to the faithful after two months.
Churches throughout Greece have opened their doors to the faithful after two months.
They limited the number of congregants and dispensed disinfectant outside, but communion was given using the same spoon.
Those who flocked to churches for Sunday Mass sat three chairs apart and observed social distancing of at least 1.5 meters (5 feet) from each other. The number of people attending was limited to 1 per 10 square meters (108 sq ft). Many were left outside, but avoided crowding, and churches used loudspeakers to broadcast Mass.
Some churches performed Mass two or three times to accommodate the number of people who showed up.
Greece is gradually easing strict quarantine measures which were imposed in March and have helped limit fatalities from COVID-19 to 162. There have been fewer than 3,000 confirmed cases.
Greeks will be able to travel freely in the mainland and on the island of Crete starting Monday. Bars, cafes and restaurants will reopen March 25.