The Guardian: Muslims in Germany are demanding protection and are surprised by the absence of solidarity

The British newspaper “The Guardian” published an article entitled “Germany’s Muslims call for protection after ‘far-right terror plot’ arrests.”
The British newspaper “The Guardian” published an article entitled “Germany’s Muslims call for protection after ‘far-right terror plot’ arrests.”
The article written by Kate Connolly from Berlin indicates that Muslim communities in Germany feel threatened and demand the police to provide greater protection after the arrest of 12 men who constitute a Yemeni extremist group, believed to have been planning large-scale attacks on mosques across the country, inspired by the attacks that took place in two mosques in New Zealand last year.
The article reveals that the arrest of the group came after a police detective managed to penetrate it after months of observation and follow-up.
The authorities believe, according to the article, that the group wanted to carry out “massacres in the mosques” and was seeking to provoke reprisals..
On Sunday, a German court upheld a federal prosecutor’s decision to arrest 12 men on suspicion of involvement in a far-right conspiracy to topple the country’s political system by carrying out attacks targeting politicians and asylum seekers.
They were arrested on Friday, including four suspected to have formed a right-wing terrorist organization in September, and the rest were suspected of providing financial support to the four.
The Guardian notes the increasing number of dangerous right-wing extremists, and it is reported that German police are currently monitoring the activities of 53 men and women associated with the extreme right, who believe that they can commit acts of violence, while the number of people they were monitoring for the same reason in 2016 was 22.