UN experts: End racism to advance health and other human rights

Eliminating racism and disparities in health status resulting from racial discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance is central to global efforts to advance the right to health and other human rights, a UN expert told the General Assembly on Thursday, October 20th.
“The health consequences of racism and discrimination are persistent and passed from one generation to the next through the body’s “biological memory” of harmful experiences,” said Tlaleng Mofokeng, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health.
“The right to health cannot be realized in a racist world,” Mofokeng said, presenting her report to the General Assembly.
The legacy of past and ongoing racism, apartheid, slavery, coloniality and oppressive structures, including global architecture, funding mechanisms and national health systems on racialised people have a global health impact, the UN expert said.
“Racism is linked to poverty and is present in multiple localities and leads to exceedingly high rates of police brutality, poor access to justice, mass incarceration, and a lack of access to housing, education employment and healthy food,” the Special Rapporteur said. “Racism also leads to increased rates of mortality and morbidity.”
Mofokeng shed light on the impact of racism and discrimination, particularly on Black people, persons of African descent, migrants, indigenous peoples and minorities. She also pointed to the intersections of factors at play, including poverty, and discrimination based on age, sex, gender identity, expression, sexual orientation, disability, migration status, health status and location in rural or urban communities.
“Ending racism has become a central component of the global effort to advance health and other human rights. We must engage meaningfully with those most affected, towards transformative and lasting change for racial justice and substantive equality and to realize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the universal level,” she added.