HRW: ISIS used Mosul hospital as military base

As the battle for Mosul unfolds, ISIS is regularly occupying medical facilities and placing civilians and staff there at risk of incoming attacks, according to Lama Fakih, the deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch said.
As the battle for Mosul unfolds, ISIS is regularly occupying medical facilities and placing civilians and staff there at risk of incoming attacks, according to Lama Fakih, the deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch said.
“Shamefully, ISIS terrorists have also taken to advertising their abuses on the streets, as they did with the parading of soldiers’ bodies,” Fakih added.
ISIS has been known to bury themselves in and around dense civilian populations as a tactic during the months-long battle between Iraqi forces and the terrorist group.
By doing so, the terrorists are able to utilize Mosul’s civilian population as a human shield from airstrikes, and advancing Iraqi troops on the ground.