Millions march in Nanded for Muslim Reservations

The umbrella organization of many political, social and religious organisations, “Muslim Aarakshan Sangharsh Kruti Samiti” organized a massive march for Muslim reservation and other social issues of Marathas, Dalits and Farmers communities.
The umbrella organization of many political, social and religious organisations, “Muslim Aarakshan Sangharsh Kruti Samiti” organized a massive march for Muslim reservation and other social issues of Marathas, Dalits and Farmers communities.
The first and foremost demand was to offer 10% legal protection for Muslims, Protection of Constitutional Muslim Personal Law, Stop Attacks on Muslims and Dalits in the name of Gau Raksha, not to target innocent Muslim in the name of Terror, Award Death Sentence to Culprits of Rape and Murder Cases from Khairlanji to Kopardi upto Recent Rape & Murder in Haryana State, Implementation of Swaminathan Aayog and Without touching to the quota of OBC, state government must give reservation to Maratha Community in state.
This is the first time in the history of Maharashtra that women took massive participation in a march. All the stakeholders of community religions scholars, lawyers, teachers, and students, professionals, businessmen and engineers were at the forehead of successful conduction of this March.