Prime Minister David Cameron congratulates the Muslim Community on Eid al-Adha
September 24, 2015
360 1 minute read
Cameron said, “British Muslims are known for more than their generosity
UK Prime Minister David Cameron has congratulated the Muslim community on the wonderful occasion of Eid al-Adha.
During his recorded message, Cameron said, “British Muslims are known for more than their generosity. They are known for rising to the top of their fields, from business to medicine, from sport to politics – including the government I am so proud to lead. This is the great British story: a multi-racial, multi-faith democracy built over generations, where people can come with nothing and rise as high as their talent allows.
The Prime Minister added, “So as families and friends come together this Eid, let us celebrate those achievements, and let us reflect on those who are suffering during this holy festival. I wish you a joyous and peaceful festival. Eid Mubarak.”