Science & Technology

AI Detects High Blood Pressure Through Voice Analysis

Klick Labs has developed a groundbreaking, non-invasive method to detect chronic high blood pressure (hypertension) using voice recordings, reported yesterday.

In a study involving 245 participants, a specialized mobile app analyzed vocal biomarkers, achieving an accuracy of 84% for females and 77% for males. The technology identifies subtle pitch variations and speech patterns that indicate hypertension.

Hypertension, known as the “silent killer,” affects over a quarter of the global population, with many unaware of their condition. Traditional blood pressure measurement methods are often inaccessible, particularly in low-income areas. Yan Fossat, senior vice president of Klick Labs, emphasized the potential for earlier intervention through this innovative approach.

The implications are significant for public health, enabling healthcare systems to identify undiagnosed cases and redirect resources toward prevention. Klick Labs is also exploring voice technology for other health conditions, including diabetes, showcasing the promise of vocal biomarkers in transforming healthcare accessibility and affordability. The study is published in IEEE Access.

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