
Iraqi Forces Arrest Nine ISIS Suspects Amid Heightened Operations

Iraqi security forces announced the arrest of nine suspected ISIS members in Salahaddin province as part of a nationwide surge in anti-ISIS operations, Rudaw reported today.

The arrests were made by the intelligence agency’s specialized terrorism units through coordinated efforts, as reported by state media. The suspects were detained under Article Four of the Counter-Terrorism Law of 2005, which mandates the death penalty for terror offenses and life imprisonment for those aiding terrorists. During investigations, the suspects reportedly confessed to their affiliation with ISIS and involvement in multiple terrorist attacks in the region.

Despite being declared territorially defeated in 2017, ISIS continues to conduct bombings and abductions, exploiting security gaps in disputed areas between Erbil and Baghdad, particularly in Kirkuk, Salahaddin, Nineveh, and Diyala. Iraqi forces have intensified operations against ISIS cells, with three additional suspects arrested in Baghdad on Friday.

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