
Director of Karbala Studies and Research Center Emphasizes Global Impact of Arbaeen Pilgrimage

In a recent interview on Imam Hussein TV Persian, Abdul Amir Qureshi, the director of the Karbala Studies and Research Center, emphasized the significance of the Arbaeen pilgrimage and emphasizes its impact on a global scale.

During the interview, Qureshi stated, “The Arbaeen pilgrimage has become an integral part of Shia identity and is the largest gathering in the Islamic world.” He highlighted that the Holy Arbaeen of Imam al-Hussein, peace be upon him, reflects the glory of Islamic civilization, especially as it has restored the honour of Islam and has revitalized its cultural heritage.

Qureshi underscored the necessity of showcasing the pilgrimage to a global audience, particularly due to media censorship in the West. “We believe it is essential to present this pilgrimage to the world,” he remarked, announcing the initiation of annual statistical reports aimed at countering the media blackout surrounding the event. These reports encompass various data points, including the number of pilgrims, transportation statistics, the quantity of service and mourning tents, as well as coverage by satellite networks and details about security and service activities.

He explained that the data is collected through reliable methods, such as thermal cameras and collaboration with governmental agencies, stating, “We do not rely solely on cameras.” Additionally, he mentioned the use of artificial intelligence in gathering data to ensure accuracy.

Qureshi also discussed the formation of working groups and conferences that involve 24 Iraqi universities and over 100 researchers from more than 30 countries. Topics addressed in these forums include crowd management, environmental preservation, and waste management strategies.

Concerning challenges like electricity and water services, Qureshi noted that insights gained from European countries on managing large crowds during events have proven beneficial, leading to improved conditions for the pilgrimage.

He stressed that the center has collaborated with universities and research institutions from around the world to share its findings and contribute to the global discourse on crowd management and large-scale events. “Our research has been instrumental in informing the development of best practices for managing large-scale events,” Qrishi said. “By sharing our knowledge and experiences, we hope to contribute to a safer and more efficient world.”

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