
Upholding Shiite Rights: A Call for Recognition of the Hazara Community in Afghanistan

In a recent analysis published by Haste-e-Subh Daily on August 30, author Sharif Hozoori highlighted the increasing restrictions imposed by the Taliban on the Jafari Shia community, particularly the Hazara people in Afghanistan. According to this prominent Afghan journalist, the Taliban’s systematic denial of political rights and exclusion of Jafari jurisprudence from educational institutions exemplify their oppressive policies aimed at enforcing a singular interpretation of Islam.

Hozoori argues that the Taliban’s actions stem from a socio-cultural upbringing rooted in Pashtun dominance, where diversity is perceived as a threat. This exclusionary mindset not only violates basic human rights but also fosters feelings of inferiority among Shia youth, who may view themselves as second-class citizens.

The consequences of ignoring Shia rights are dire, potentially leading to increased sectarian tensions and the marginalization of the Hazara community. Hozoori emphasizes that Afghanistan’s rich tapestry of religious and ethnic diversity must be acknowledged and respected. He advocates for a shift towards religious tolerance and inclusivity, urging the Taliban to recognize the rights of all ethnic groups and sects within the nation.

Ultimately, the author calls for a constitutional framework that reflects the aspirations and rights of every Afghan, arguing that true stability can only be achieved through mutual respect and understanding among all communities.

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