Syrian Army detonates tunnel bomb beneath al-Qaeda command center in Damascus

the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) Republican Guard conducted a deadly special mission against Islamist insurgents on the eastern outskirts of Damascus.
the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) Republican Guard conducted a deadly special mission against Islamist insurgents on the eastern outskirts of Damascus.
Targeting three buildings occupied by JabhatFateh al-Sham (al-Qaeda affiliate), the SAA spent several days infiltrating a web of tunnels in the Al-Qaboun district and subsequently demolished what was believed to be a jihadist command center through a huge IED.
The massive blast, utilizing tons of TNT explosives, literally demolished all three buildings, leaving dozens of jihadist occupants buried beneath the rubbles.
Pictures or video proof of the event are yet to surface; nevertheless, the story was confirmed to Al-Masdar News by a trusted military informant based in the Syrian capital.