Shia rights violation increases as Hajj season begins in Saudi Arabia

According to Iraqi Hajj groups, their pilgrims face restriction and unexpected search in addition to humiliation and verbal abuse in public.
According to Iraqi Hajj groups, their pilgrims face restriction and unexpected search in addition to humiliation and verbal abuse in public.
A number of Iraqi Hajj groups were subject to beating, insult and abuse as they entered Medina airport. Saudi authorities also arrested number of group counselors because they found The Rules of The Pilgrimage book in their belongings. In some cases their luggage were ripped to be searched for Shia prayer books.
Iraq is a majority Shia country therefore anyone with Iraqi passport is subject to maltreatment at Saudi airports. Saudi Arabia authorities are known for its anti-Shia treatments.
Shia Rights Watch strongly condemns Saudi’s airport police harsh treatment of pilgrims and invites their authority to revisit Islam’s teaching of human dignity and respect.