Holy Shrines dressed in black to commemorate martyrdom anniversary of Imam ali

The walls of the holy shrines of the Imams in Iraq, peace be upon them, are dressed in black and the words of light have spread across the pillars of the holy courtyards, announcing the state of mourning to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali bin Abu Talib, peace be upon them.
The walls of the holy shrines of the Imams in Iraq, peace be upon them, are dressed in black and the words of light have spread across the pillars of the holy courtyards, announcing the state of mourning to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali bin Abu Talib, peace be upon them.
The maintenance unit teams of the engineering department at the holy shrine of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, began early on with a series of works in addition to supporting the services of the holy shrine.
It is worth mentioning that pilgrims have begun inflowing from distant areas in order to reach the holy city of Najaf to commemorate the sorrowful anniversary.